
The total amount of tokens is capped at 100 million.

Token distribution :

Financing: 10%

Seed round financing: 5%; Private financing: 5%.

Tokens distributed in seed round financing and private financing have a lock-up period.

Lock-up period: 10% of the tokens distributed in this section will be released after three months, 90% will be divided into 21 months, and will be released linearly every month.

Market operation: 10%

  • 1% is divided into 12 months, linearly unlocked every month;

  • 9% is unlocked simultaneously with mining.

Community mining: 60%

60% of the liquidity mining part is gradually released according to the assets staked by users.

Foundation: 5%

Used for community governance, DAO voting, etc., and unlocked simultaneously with mining.

Team: 15%

Used for team incentives and unlocked simultaneously with mining.

Last updated